Phase I: 
New Logo: I Hear You, I See you
My first internship project required me create a logo to represent the firm's potential, experimental venture into “talent branding,” known as BestLogic Branding.
The finished design—utilizing the parent company's signature color scheme, and established typefaces. My depiction of the lion in this logo, focuses on the eyes and ears of the cat.
The Early Creative Phase
The lion is at the core of BestLogic’s identity, and so many other organizations. Figuring out designs that represent the BestLogic name while having it’s own voice, with a lion's presence was paramount.
Initial Sketches
Very simple first sketch.
Very simple first sketch.
Hyper detailed second sketch.
Hyper detailed second sketch.
Third and final sketch approved for logo.
Third and final sketch approved for logo.
From Sketch to Vector
Unleashing the Beast​​​​​​​
Stationary examples with screen and coffee mug
Stationary examples with screen and coffee mug
Baseball Cap
Baseball Cap
Yellow & navy vinyl door decal, adhered to front of glass door
Yellow & navy vinyl door decal, adhered to front of glass door
Yellow dimensional letters on a wall mounted navy backer.
Yellow dimensional letters on a wall mounted navy backer.
Yellow dimensional letters directly mounted to a wall painted navy.
Yellow dimensional letters directly mounted to a wall painted navy.
As shown, this logo is compatible with wide ranging applications—including screen, stationary, apparel, and even signage.
Phase II:
Website Redesign: Roaring on the World Wide Web
From the beginning of my internship with BestLogic Staffing, I (and the other Graphic Design Interns) made known the deficiencies of the company web site. The General Manager and our supervisor strongly agreed that the website (built on Google Sites) needed a major facelift—the next phase in evolving BestLogic's look.
For the finished Google Site re-work, responsive design considerations weighed heavily in the creative and technical decision making process. The limitations of Google Sites greatly eased decision making, while presenting other unique challenges.
Puzzling Out the Layout​​​​​​​
I inherited pre–existing visual assets, including some from previous design interns. However utilizing already approved typefaces on Google Sites, proved impossible. This is due to the platform's restriction to exclusively use Google Fonts—necessitating improvisation. The key was to utilize fonts that appear close enough, and/or fit the existing aesthetic
Roaring With Iconography
Core Values
Core Values
Core Values
Core Values
Candidate Services
Candidate Services
Candidate Services
Candidate Services
​​​​​​​Another important visual component in constructing the new BestLogic Staffing website, involves simple 2D vector-based illustrations and icons.  Some were made from scratch. Some graphics involved heavily modifying public domain vector graphics, with my own completely custom features.
Roaring With Height, Width, & Now Depth
“Request an Employee”
“Request an Employee”
“Request an Employee”
“Request an Employee”
“Privacy Policy”
“Privacy Policy”
“Privacy Policy”
“Privacy Policy”
On some pages I decided to inject simple 3D renderings done in Blender that align with BestLogic’s visual aesthetic, especially the gold and navy colors.
Roaring Out Loud (In Cyberspace)
Everyone at the company was excited about my renovation of their website. Their confidence in my work shows in the social media posts leading towards the launch in May 2022. The first posts teased what was coming, followed by posts formally announcing the new website’s launch.
Phase III: 
Roaring In New Places (On The Web)
At the end of my internship at BestLogic Staffing, I was tasked with laying down the foundations of a website for “BestLogic Branding.”
Freedom to Roar Differently
This final phase built on and consolidated everything learned and created from the previous phases. I also had far more creative freedom than with the previous website project—including with the typography. Upon doing some extensive research on different serifs and sans-serifs that would best represent BestLogic Branding, I decided on a combination of Josefin Sans, Playfair Display, and Lato.
Roaring More Loudly With Iconography
Video Branding
Video Branding
Employer Branding
Employer Branding
Recruitment Advertising
Recruitment Advertising
Social Media Mangement
Social Media Mangement
Website Design & Development
Website Design & Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Logo Design
Logo Design
Also building upon the work I did for the previous website, I went out of my way to develop graphical icons each of BestLogic Branding's planned services. While the icons stylistically align with the those on the parent company's website, these did not involve heavily modified public domain stock vectors. Instead they were drawn from scratch sometimes using stock photos as reference.
I was challenged personally, professionally, and creatively as I needed to be, during my dual internship terms at BestLogic Staffing. Personally, I learned much about myself regarding my strengths, limitations, and where to go from there. Professionally, I further developed my soft and hard skills through challenging projects. Creatively, I successfully learned how to blend my own vision within the confines of an existing company visual aesthetic to aid in business objectives. It becomes even more gratifying when you're a cultural fit within the company. This experience will hold special place as an important first step in my growth as a creative professional.

More of my work!

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